When it comes to introducing a new probiotic for the first time, it is best to understand why or what specific reactions may occur and how you can best avoid them to comfortably introduce your new healthy microbiome tribe.

Start with a small dose if you are introducing probiotics for the first time

Some people may experience some mild reactions when introducing probiotics for the first time.  This is usually a welcomed positive sign as we allow good bacteria to grow and gain control over bad bacteria.  When this takes place the bad bacteria die and leave the body, mostly via stool.  As the bad bacteria die off, they release gases and this may cause temporary flatulence or bloating. Other mild and temporary symptoms may include reduced energy, mild headache or mild flu like symptoms.  This is why we like to build the dose up slowly from the start. People who have not had probiotics before may not be familiar with the way the new microorganisms take shape and refurbish the gutbiome causing a little disruption in it’s new environment in the process.  We suggest starting from a small amount (please see suggestions on the label). Observe any “die-off” symptoms (including, but not limited to what we have already discussed above). If there are none or they are mild and manageble then, increase the dose gradually and methodically over time. Some people can up the dose each week and others who are more sensitive may need to stay on a lower dose for a little longer.  Most people do not notice any change in symptoms at all and get on with their day whilst others are more in tune with their body which is why having this understanding is helpful and also reassuring to know that they are good signs that positive change and diversity in the gutbiome are taking shape. 

Diet & probiotics

Adhering to a good healthy diet is absolutely essential if you wish to improve gut diversity. If you carry on feeding the pathogens in the gut with sugar and processed carbohydrates then the probiotic will not have much chance of helping you in turning your health around. The GAPS Diet has become highly regarded by both mainstream and the allied health industry to be successful in managing gut disorders.

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